Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I'm Going to Eat Healthy, Oh Wait... M&Ms!

When I worked for FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), I was blessed to be trained in hiring future missionaries for the organization.  But because we would hire so many new missionaries each and every year, it was important to make sure we were hiring the best candidates.  Therefore we were trained by CEO's of major corporations on the best hiring practices.  The greatest lesson I learned was to look for the application of ideals vs. ideals.  For example, when interviewing a applicant for FOCUS, the applicant would express there love for prayer.  We were trained to follow up with a more specific question like, "When was the last time you prayed?  How did you pray?  How are you developing your prayer life?"  Usually these application questions would catch our applicants off guard!  Why?  Because application is more difficult than the ideal.

I had an opportunity to be a part of hiring a new principal at a recent assignment.  I asked the question to a former principal from another school, "What do you like about being a principal?"  He responded, "I like working with teachers, setting goals, and helping them achieve their goals!"  Sounds like a great answer, but I had to follow up, "Tell me about the last teacher you worked with, what goal did you set with them, and how did you help them achieve their goal?"  The former principal remained silent.  The ideal is so much easier then the application!

Now I know I pick on these two situations, but isn't that the same with me!  I love the ideal of eating healthy, or at least until a bag of M&M's are within my reach.  I love the idea exercising, until I actually have to exercise and get myself motivated to the gym!  How difficult it is to live the ideal out!  I love the ideal of humility, but I'll repeat the words I said to my parish about my competitiveness, "Yes I am a priest, and I will beat you!"

Image result for m & ms

The application is more difficult than the ideal.   This was my meditation for this past Sunday homily, where we heard from St. Paul telling us that we have been freed from the slavery from sin! (Galatians 5:1).  How great an ideal!  Freed from sin and slavery, but how do we actually receive that freedom in Christ!  This application part can be the most difficult!  It can only be done in relationship! 
It is in relationship that draws us past the ideal.  It is love that moves us to action.  When we are in love we are drawn to act.  When we encounter Love itself, the Lord will draw us past the ideal and into the action of His Love! 

How do we enter into the relationship with the Lord?  In Word and in Sacrament!  Christ who is the Word made flesh and dwells among us (John 1:14).  He moves our hearts through Word and then he gives us his Body and Blood in the Eucharist!  There really is no greater love than this.  How could we not act after encountering such a love!