It may sound silly, but it comes back to Genesis 2:21-23: "So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of man.""
Now many modern day thinkers and progressive feminist will write off this passage. They would argue that this passage leads to misogyny. They will claim that the passage was written by men to show the primacy of men over women. And it doesn't help that there are those people who have argued that the fall into Original Sin was Eve's fault.
First, I won't deny the abuse and misogyny that has occurred over these passages, but we also can't dismiss the Word of God because of these recent 20th century arguments. Second, this passage, I admit, should be dumbfounding and confusing. It is through woman that life comes into the world. Eve is given the title mother of all living! So in a certain sense we would expect Adam to come from Eve! (Hence many people lean towards the misogyny argument to explain this confusing Scripture passage). However, the key to understand this passage comes by looking to Christ! Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of the Scriptures (read the Gospel of Matthew and count how many times the author says, "so the prophet may be fulfilled". I've counted 11 times). If we look at this passage in the light of Christ, we might receive some understanding of the passage and why my dad can't hold a secret from my mom!
The early Church fathers, along with St. Paul, taught that Christ was the New Adam. The Church fathers also meditated on how the Church, the new Eve, came from the pierced side of the New Adam. God in the story of Genesis is preparing the story of salvation. He is revealing that from the side of the New Adam (Christ), the New Eve (the Church) will come forth!
But now to the main point and answer to my original question: Why can't my dad keep a secret from my mom? to get to the answer we need to look at why God chose the rib of Adam? There are many theories out there! Some really cheesy ones as well. For example; God did not choose a bone from his head for she was not to be above him; not from the feet for she was not to be below him; but from his side so they might go side by side! Sweet as that is, I'm not a fan.
I came across the following meditation that has been placed on my heart: God chose the rib of Adam because it is the rib that is responsible for guarding the heart! Eve was to be the guardian of Adam's heart! So when Eve eats of the forbidden fruit (which is just as much of Adam's fault), the decision was a universal decision for Adam as well. For Eve, as Adam proclaimed, was "bones of my bones, flesh of my flesh."
So why can't my dad keep a secret from my mom? My mom has become the guardian of my Father's heart. And therefore he can't keep a secret from her. And if you truly want know my father, who will you have to go to? My mother of course!
What does this have to do with our faith?!? Jesus Christ as the New Adam brings forth the Church from his pierced side. And if we truly want come to know Jesus Christ, who will we have to go to? Who is the guardian of the Sacred Heart of Jesus? The Church! The New Eve! It is time to come to know the Lord through the Church Christ established through the Apostles! Let us come to the guardian of our Lord's heart and adore the Lord!
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