Everything needs to go the way I want it to go, or I will get mad. If you actually take the time to think about it, this is the central cause of sin! Think about the last time you were angry with someone. Why did you get angry? Was it because they acted in a way that YOU didn't want them to act? Think about the last time you were impatient. Were you impatient because things were not going as quickly as YOU wanted it to go? You can do this for any kind of sin!
What we need to do is follow what is presented in the Gospel this past weekend (22nd Sunday of Ordinary time C). Jesus talks about the banquet and choosing the lower seats of honor, only to be exalted. For those who are humble will be exalted! This is the life of Christ, the life of the Saints, and the life the Lord is calling us too!
When we place ourselves in the place of God, we are forced to acknowledge our mortality and humanity. We are mere creatures before our Creator. The problem with sin is that we remove God, only to place ourselves in His place!
So the question the Lord places in the Gospel today is; are you humble before the Lord? Or do you put yourself in the place of God? Because in the end, we are going to find ourselves either being exalted by the Lord because of our humility, or God is going to be humble us because we have been too prideful.
For the Lord encourages us now, more than ever, to be humble before Him and others! Maybe it’s time for us to fall to our knees before our Crucified Lord and acknowledge the greatest strength of all, God’s unconditional love for us!
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