This weekend the Catholic Church proclaimed in their first reading the story of Moses and Joshua fighting Amalek. Of course we know this story right? If you are like me, you didn't learn about this battle in history class. So the answer to that question is No! But then, why is it so important that it be proclaimed in every Catholic Church around they entire world reaching to over 1 billion Catholics?! Moses and Joshua, representing Israel, was called to fight not only for their existence, but for their very faith. The question we need to ask ourselves is, "Are we willing to fight for our faith?" Even Jesus asked that to his disciples, "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8).
Now, living in the United States we are truly blessed with Freedom of Religion. We have the right to assemble and practice our faith and we are not killed for our Catholic/Christian faith unlike other places throughout the world. In Saudi Arabia, a US and Western ally, will not let anyone practice Christianity openly and freely. You will be jailed. If you are Kurd in Iraq, you are persecuted by Turkey, ISIS and Iran. If you are Coptic Egyptian, one of the Oldest Christian rites, you can be beheaded on the shores of Libya. In Yemen, 4 Missionaries of Charity were killed for serving the poor and dying in that country. We may feel that those things are isolated events and will never become our problem, but just a couple of months ago a Catholic Priest was killed in France for offering Mass; for being Catholic. There may come a time in the US, where we will need to stand for our faith that will cost us our lives, but that's not the fighting I want to talk about.
Another battle we could discuss is the need to fight for our faith within the political spheres of our country. This is an election season, which has the ability to direct our politicians, and hence our future actions within our country. My parish has over 3,800 crosses in our front lawn, representing the number abortions that happen every day in the United States. This is something that is very saddening because we know that each person, from the moment of conception is uniquely made. We know this from experience. If my parents had 1,000 kids, there would not be another me! There are 7.2 billion people in the world. Can you account for anyone being exactly identical or a replica of another human being that has ever been, ever is, or ever will be? The answer is NO! Each life is sacred and uniquely made, divinely inspired, and therefore has a place in this world!
But again that's not the fight I think is the most important. What I want to ask is, are we willing to fight for God in our own lives? In our job, families, friends, and more importantly in our sacred schedule! If we are truly honest with ourselves, we constantly downplay the significance of putting God in our daily lives. How much easier is it for me to find time to watch the entire Cubs game than heading over to the chapel to pray or opening the Scriptures. How easier it is to turn on Netflix after a long day, then actually taking the time to give thanks to God for the day He had given me? As a priest, I can tell you that the struggle is real! How much more then do we need to be encouraged to fight this day! That's the importance of the first reading and why it being proclaimed through the world. Let us fight to make our faith a priority!
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