Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Coming off the Transfiguration!

Shortly after being elected to the papacy, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the youth stating, “The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness!”  Yet, how many of us our willing to settle for comfort?  It’s the story of all our lives, but also the story of St. Peter at the Transfiguration!

The Transfiguration is a comforting moment for the Apostles.  Jesus was giving them comfort and assurance in that moment, so that they can endure what was to come; his passion and death.  St. Peter however didn’t want to leave, “can we just stay here?!”  The only problem is; if Jesus and the Apostles stayed on the mountain top in comfort, there would be cross and therefore no resurrection and redemption of all of humanity.

We constantly find our lives in a state of comfort.  My couch is so much nicer than the gym, or better yet, than kneeling before the blessed Sacrament in the chapel.  But my life was not meant to be spent on the couch, but to achieve greatness with the Lord.  This, however, is only possible if leave the mountain of comfort and face the cross lies ahead.  Yes, it involves facing the cross and sacrifices, but our faith does not end with the cross.  It ends with the Resurrection.   In this Lenten season, let us not settle for the various comforts of life, but let us strive for the greatness that lies past the cross; the resurrection!