Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fatherhood - an Open Battle Ground!

Father's Day is here and I'm about to head to El Salvador for a FOCUS mission trip!  So I thought I would write a blog about the fatherhood, a topic I spent this last year on with my bible study!  Below is a picture of some of the guys that were able to attend the study!

The topic on Fatherhood was a beautiful bible study, which rewarded me almost more than the students who participated.  I started the discussion laying out some stark facts, the general reality of a University setting like Boulder, and the spiritual reality that is before us.   It began with the following:

The CDC stat reported that 41% (higher in cities like Detroit which is about 80%) of all babies being born in the US are coming into Single Mom Homes.  That means about 60% are being born into the US with Mothers and Fathers.  The sad reality that either struck us personally or our families is the reality of Divorce.  We see divorce rates moving above 50%.   This means roughly speaking 70% of children will experience broken and incomplete families.  (Now I know this is not taking into account single mom's eventually marrying, or account for re-marriages but bare with me as I try to explain the physical and spiritual consequence of these stats and not get to caught up on the smaller details).  In any case the men saw where I was going with the topic!   In most cases there was a growth in the lack of fatherhood, but why?  Why is there a higher percentage of single parenting and broken families?  I shared a simple reality to the men: 

Men will become one of two things:  Fathers or Predators.   Whoa!  That seems quite contrast and no one likes being called a predator.  So I tried to explain it in a different context.  They will either become fathers where they will be selfless and lay down their life for their spouse and children.  Or they will become predators and see everything for their own end and act selfishly.  The terms could seem harsh, but the concept of selfless living and selfish living was a clear definition for the guys!

After I laid that foundation, I asked all the guys, "What is college preparing you for?"  Talk about a time of self realization.  Many of them were struck with the their own reality before them.  They started to share all the bad influences around them which pointed them to selfish ends.  Study aside, I can't tell you how many times I have to stop and ask the question: Am I doing this for my own end, or for God's?  Am I being selfish or selfless?

In all honesty this battle between fatherhood and predator shouldn't surprise us!  Why?  Because we see this battle for Fatherhood vs. predator in the Scriptures!

In the Gospel of John it is clear, there is a battle between to two kinds fatherhoods.  Read John Chapter 8:33 ff (and following). It is a discussion between Jesus and the Jews.  The Jews claim that Abraham was their father and therefore they are included in God's promise.  But Jesus calls outs their cow manure, (at this moment I imagine Jesus playing cards with the Jews.  The Jews lay their hand down and Jesus yells BS!!!).  He without hesitation says, "You are from your father the devil!" (John 8:44).  If there is anytime to use your imagination this is where the story seems to get real awkward.  Needless to say, the story ends with the Jews wanting to stone Jesus.  Go figure!

The second battle for Fatherhood is seen near the end of the Gospel of John.  Jesus is put on trial before Pontius Pilate.  Pilate tried to have Jesus released.  By following a Jewish tradition of releasing one prisoner, Pilate brings a criminal next to Jesus.   The choice was either Jesus or Barabbas: Jesus, son of the Heavenly Father, or Barabbas, a zealot, robber, and murder.  Barabbas name means Son of the Father (Bar means Son of, Abba means Father).  Unknowingly Pilate was asking the Jewish people to decide: Which Son of the Father are you going to follow?   Of course the proclamation to release Barabbas and Crucify our Lord resounds every year during Holy Week.

Jesus came to reveal this choice.  Jesus came to reveal God as Father.  Don't agree?  Read the Gospel of Matthew Chapters 5-7, which is called the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus after calling the Apostles goes on the mountain side to teach the multitudes.  In the foundation of Jesus instruction,  Jesus mentions Father 17 times.  You don't have to be a theologian to notice that Jesus wants us to pay attention to his Father.  It is in this same section we receive the prayer; the Our Father.  It is now revealed to us, we can call God "Our" Father!  This is kind of a big deal and so beautiful so don't let this slip by!

With this foundations of society, university setting and spiritual reality of fatherhood men in the bible study, including myself,  could pursue the call of our own fatherhood together.  Little do people know that fatherhood just doesn't happen, it is something to prepare for and continual formation is needed to achieve.   For even The Lord calls us to be perfect as his Heavenly Father is perfect.  To be merciful as his Father is merciful!  One just doesn't become selfless overnight.  A person needs to constantly pursue the good so that in the end we will not become a predator acting on our own selfish desires!

May we all be selfless for The Lord!
In His Service

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