Saturday, January 4, 2014

Even in My Own Sin and Brokenness, God Pursues Me!

"Nothing can stop [God], neither our faults nor our falls, absolutely nothing.  Jesus hurries to help that soul; and if the soul is faithful to this grace from God, she can in a short time reach the highest level of holiness that a created being can attain here below." ~ St. Faustina Kowalska

One of the great myteries of the Christian faith is how God's providence can work with our sin and brokenness?   God acknowledges our freedom and does not force Himself upon us. Yet God doesn't leave us in our sin and brokenness, He pursues us all the more, specifically in our sin and brokenness.  How beautiful is that pursuit!?!

One Scripture passage that points to this pursuit is 1 Samuel 8.  Samuel, a prophet and priest for the Israelites, is confronted by the disheartened Israelites.  Looking around at nearby kingdoms, the Israelites request/demand from Samuel that he anoints them a king.  Samuel is broken-hearted feeling he has failed God.  God, however, encourages Samuel and says, "Hearken to the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them." (1 Sam 8:7)

The Scripture makes it clear:
God respects Man's free will even when that free will includes man's rejection of Him.
What does God do with their decision? Does he reject Israel as they rejected Him?  Does he search out another tribe to fulfill His promises?  He gives Israel a king (Saul and then David).  As a loving Father, He acknowledges and works within the context of Man's freedom.  He doesn't reject them, but He works within Man's rejection.  If we continue to read the Scriptures in their fulfillment we see God through man's rejection of Him once again becomes King of Kings and Lord of Lords! (cf. Revelation 19:16) 

Even in man's sin and brokenness, God doesn't abandon humanity.  He doesn't leave us to our sin, but works within our freedom to fulfill His Providence!!!  I don't know about you, but this brings me tremendous peace!  In my own sin, failures, brokenness, in my own rejections of God; God does not abandon me, but continues to pursues me!

Isn't it beautiful to know that God is not competing with our decisions, but working to draw us to Him all the more.

"Nothing can stop [God], neither our faults nor our falls, absolutely nothing.  Jesus hurries to help that soul; and if the soul is faithful to this grace from God, she can in a short time reach the highest level of holiness that a created being can attain here below." ~ St. Faustina Kowalska

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