Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mind Blown: The Sun and Its Reflection off the Water

We are finishing up our stay around the Sea of Galilee before we head to Jerusalem for our last 5 weeks in the Holy Land.  The trip has been going by so fast!  One of the things I wanted to do before leaving the Sea of Galilee was to watch the sun rise over the waters.  So I woke up early this morning to get to a balcony overlook at our hotel to over see this breath-taking biblical scenic view.  As I waited for the sun to rise, I couldn't help but to imagine Christ calling the Apostles from their boats, Christ walking on the waters, the various healings that happened in the small towns surrounding the sea like Magdala and Carpernaum.  You know; NBD (No Big Deal).  

As the sun was about to crest over the horizon, the birds began to chirp and you could see flocks of birds making their way to the sea port to grab the scraps left behind by the fishermen.  As the sun began to rise over the mountains and clouds, I couldn't help but grab my phone and capture this picture; after thanking God for such a beautiful and peaceful morning.  
Neeedless to say, the view was breathtaking.  And as all the seminarians came together for breakfast, we started sharing our various morning adventures.  Many went for a small hike along the sea to catch the sunrise on the shore.  Some went hiking up to the Mount of Beatitudes to catch the sunrise.  It was over discussion over the sunrise that it was brought to my attention that the sun always reflects off the water in the direction of the person viewing the sunrise  (take a look at my picture again, there is a distinct sunlight reflection off the water pointing to me).  It's like the sun was intentionally shining for me!  My mind was blown away by this new found truth.  Clearly, the sun sends off rays of light that encompasses the earth.  These rays are not uniquely directed, but spread broadly across the earth.  But when it reflects off the water, the light seems to be pointing directly to me!

Isn't that true with the love of God!?!  God sends his love over all of His creation, yet there is something about His love that is specifically for me!  I've always heard the saying that Christ died for ME.  But it's hard to imagine it because I know He died for me, but his death was for the salvation of all humanity.  Now I see it more clearly; the Son (sun) whose love shines over all, gives off a unique ray of light/love over the (troubled) waters (cross).  His Death was for me! Needless to say, my mind was blown and I need a clean up on aisle; my brain.

The Lord truly loves us all, and yet uniquely He loves us individually!  So the next time you see the sunrise or sunset over the water, note how the reflection of the light is directed to you and you alone!  It is a sign of God's love for you!

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