Monday, February 6, 2017

My Greatest Childhood Sin - Ketchup with Steak

My dad is an Irishman, through and through (minus the French side of the family).  He loves his meat and potatoes.  He really enjoys cooking and eating a good steak.  It is a meal I continue to enjoy on various occasions and holidays when I head back home.  But growing up, I loved putting ketchup on everything!  Hotdogs, brats, and yes even my steak.  And to my dad, that was my greatest sin!  "For a good steak only needs a little bit salt."  It was only later I came realize the truth of that statement.  Salt has the ability to bring about the great flavor of the steak!

Why do I share my greatest childhood sin, at least according to my dad?  In this weekend's Gospel, Christ tells us to be salt of the earth!  What can that mean?  In a certain sense, I believe the Lord is asking us to draw out the flavor of life!  To bring joy, love and happiness to others.  In particular to a world that continues to seem to spiral in to chaos and sadness. 

How do we do this?  Have you ever noticed how salt is never used by itself?  No one pulls out a spoon, fills it with salt, and eats it?  No!  Salt does not exists for itself, but to draw out flavor on other foods
like popcorn, nuts, and meats.  We too, don't exist for our self!  We exist to bring out life in others!

So I encourage you this day, as the Lord challenged his Apostles, let us be salt of the earth!

1 comment:

  1. The ketchup on steak was probably your Dad's fault. I remember about 50 years ago, when he would babysit me and the boys in Maryland and encourage us to put ketchup on food we didn't like. As I recall he said, "A little ketchup makes everything better." :) Great memories, and great post today, Cousin Father Mikey!
    Love, Jeanne


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